Breaking Out Of Your Echo Chamber To Write Believable Characters

Okay, so this is basically an escuse to react to a mad video that I think you will enjoy…

I made a video reacting to Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Republican campaign video.

Here’s a picture of the tags I set for this post. I think they speak for themselves –

I talk about the need to break out of your own echo chamber in order to create believable non-stereotypical characters in your novels, but really I just wanted to share the madness of a the far right conspiracy believing politician.

“WIN THIS 50 CAL GUN!” if only politicians in the UK had incentives like that…

The Bestseller Experiment

Hello! Does anybody listen to writing podcasts? Do you have a favourite? I’m always looking for new podcasts to listen to so please post them below!

I am completely biased. I listen to a bunch but I have a favourite and I want to share it with you.

The Bestseller Experiment: probably the nicest place on the internet.

I’ve made a little video about it.

The Best Horror Films I’ve Seen This Year!

I was at work and it was raining too much to get out of the van so I recorded an off-the-cuff video about the best three horror films I’ve seen this year.

I ended up naming seven films and they are all great. If you want to watch a genuinely good horror movie this month (the spookiest of all months) you won’t go wrong with any of these.